Wednesday 15 January 2014

WTS H2 History/H2 Economics Model Essays (Best Quality)

Good day.

If you're looking for H2 Economics and H2 History Model Essays (not mere Model Essay "Outlines") that are of high quality to facilitate your mastery over the subjects, the following items might be of interest to you.


H2 Economics Model Essays Compilation

H2 Economics essay examination questions, no matter how differently phrased, will always require the exact same content and level of economic rigor to answer.

As such, you'll eventually notice that those 600-over-page model essay compilations merely contain similar/repeated essay concepts (the same content, but structured differently) for differently phrased questions.

They are therefore a waste of paper, time and money to the student who knows how to study smart with the right materials.

I have a customized compilation of H2 Economics Model Essays (about 30 to 40) I'm looking to sell off.

The essays in this compilation are of very high quality, I assure you.

They are EXTREMELY comprehensive and detailed, and cover every single topic in the H2 Economics syllabus.

They are also structured, comprehensive, and show you how best to maximize your marks per number of words you write in your essays.

These essays together are infinitely better than those 600-over-page compilations from certain Junior Colleges or those model essay compilations from Popular etc.

Going for - S$55.00 (negotiable)


H2 History Model Essays Compilation

Unlike H2 Economics, it is virtually impossible to have an exhaustive list of model essays for H2 History.

However, I managed to customize a Model Essay compilation that is relatively extensive for the following themes-

International History

• The Cold War and How it Shaped the World

• The Development of the Global Economy

• Conflict and Cooperation

History of Southeast Asia

• How Independence was Achieved

• Challenges to Independent Southeast Asian States

I do NOT have any Model Essays for History of Southeast Asia's "Regional Conflicts and Cooperation" Theme.

The model essays are, once again, EXTREMELY structured (introduction, minimum of six body paragraphs, conclusion - each model essay is at least 6 to 8 pages long) and comprehensive with detailed analysis and useful examples.

Going for - S$25.00 per theme (negotiable)


All prices are negotiable.

If you're interested, either reply in this thread or contact me at

via Singapore Classified

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