Friday, 7 February 2014

Best In Selling Fresh Cc Dumps Fullz Bank Logins Shop Admin And Wu Trf

Best In Selling Fresh Cc Dumps Fullz Bank Logins Shop Admin And Wu Trf..............

Western Union Transfer

I will Give you MTCN And Sender Info And All Cash-out Info.


1 : Receiver First Name And Last Name

2 : Receiver Address

3 : Receiver Email Address

4 : Payment Info



**Prices For Western Union Online Transfer

(Eu,Uk,Asia,Canada,Us,France,Germany,Italy and some African Countries):

3000$ = 300$

2500$ = 250$

2000$ = 200$

1500$ = 150$

1000$ = 100$

500 $ = 60$

I transfer minimum 500$ with price 60$ first for the time customer

Western Union Online Software(Western Union Bug(WU Bug)

Version Latest With an Activation Code :100$


1 Visa card..........4$

1 master card..........4$

1 amex/disco card..........6$

1 Company card..........8$

1 Uk Card Nornal CC..........10$

1 Uk Card With DOB ..........15$

1cc uk bin+dob ..........25$

1cc uk fullz .......... 30$

1 Track 1& 2 CC..........30$

1 Fresh Fullz ..........20$

1 Dead Fullz ..........10$

1cc eu(visa /master) .......... 15$

1cc eu(Amex/Discover).......... 20$

1cc ca random .......... 6$

1cc ca bin .......... 12$

1cc ca fulls .......... 20$

1cc au random .......... 10$

1cc france .......... 15$

1cc france with dob .......... 20$

1cc germany .......... 15$

1cc germany with dob.......... 25$

1cc italy..........20$

1cc italy with dob ..........40$

1cc japan.......... 15$

1cc japan with dob .......... 25$

1cc belgium..........12$

1cc denmark..........12$

1cc spain.......... 15$


1 Paypal with pass email == 70 $

1 Paypal don't have pass email == 30 $

1 Banklogin us or uk (personel) == 1000$

Sell Paypal account US reg 3 month ago: 16$/1 acc: Verified

Sell Paypal account US : 12 $/1 acc: Verified

Sell Bank account info US : 8 $

Sell PVN to ----> US : 5 $/month ( Fake IP US)

Sell Visa Debit US : 125$

BankLogins Prices

Balance In Chase : 70K To 155K = 160$

Balance In Wachovia : 24K To 80K = 80$

Balance In Boa : 75K To 450K = 300$

Balance In Credit Union : Any Amount = 300$

Balance In Hallifax : ANY AMOUNT = 300$

Balance In Compass : ANY AMOUNT = 300$

Balance In Wellsfargo : ANY AMOUNT = 300$

Balance In Barclays : 80K To 100K = 400$

Balance In Abbey : 82K = 700$

Balance in Hsbc : 50K = 350$

Other Services

Bank To Bank Transfer To Any Usa Bank

Bank To Bank Transfer To Any Uk Bank

Bank To Bank Transfer To Any Europ Country Bank

Amount To Pay For That Depend On Amount You Want To Transfer


USA Track1 and Track2

Classic: 2 (20$)

Gold/Plat: 1 (30$)

Biz/Corp: 1 (25$)

Infinity: 1 (30$)


Classic: 1 (20$)

Gold/Plat: 1 (25$)

Biz/Corp: 1 (25$)

Infinity: 1 (25$)


Classic: 2 (90$)

Gold/Plat: 1 (120$)

Biz/Corp: 1 (150$)

Infinity: 1 (200$)

USA Track1 and Track2

Classic: 2 (20$)

Gold/Plat: 1 (20$)

Biz/Corp: 1 (20$)

Infinity: 1 (20$)

Amex Track1 and 2 USA

Classic: 2 (20$)

Gold/Plat: 1 (20$)

Biz/Corp: 1 (25$)

Infinity: 1 (30$)

Amex Track1 and 2 EU

Classic: 0 (90$)

Gold/Plat: 0 (120$)

Biz/Corp: 0 (150$)

Infinity: 0 (200$)


I always check and update cvv good and fresh every day

I replace cards which were not approved in our private checker . We use 4

different s private checkers

If dumps approved with our checker - we will inform u with message and will

not refund u on it.

If dumps does not have balance for u order - we will not refund or replace

If dumps have vbv or vbm - we will not replace or refund .

I promise cc of me very good and fresh all with good price .

If you are introduced to meet me

If dumps approved with our checker - we will inform u with message and will

not refund u on it.

Please tell me the name of the customer.

If you are a new customer here.

I can sell you 2 or 3 cvv for testing

I can not send free to experiment

If you don't trust my service. Please do not contact me

I make refund or replace Ur claim within 48h period

I are sell our cards at 90% validity

example if you buy 100 cards from us and 80 work we will not replace the

other 20 as we have stated

that its 90% validity its a risk you take when you buy cards

+ I can check balance in cvv, balance will be as good as you expect and price

follow of agreements .

+ All my cvv are tested before sell, that's sure.

You are always Welcome for legit deals..


ICQ : 696843870

YiM : tru3work

via Singapore Classified

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