Friday 10 January 2014

Request removal of revenged -ve iTrader rating.

hi, to moderators concered, can help look at this,

maybe remove the bad rep. from this aeroplane seller.

sorry to start another thread with exactly same title...

WTS: withdrawn

seller was selling i9152 based on this thread and has deleted all details there...

here is sms exchange,

do read and analyse,

who was piloting an aeroplane,

and kept pushing the deal off after agreeing to terms and location.

1st time seller delayed 1hr before trade after quickly agreeing to everything.

2nd time, 10mins before deal time,

and declared that he was on mc?

if u're a working adult, pls tell me how long u need to see doctor to get mc?

surely anybody decent would have informed at least an hr or two earlier if he was sincere.

anyway, seller wanted another 1 day delay and then came back to say he would deal on friday, kept changing dates too conveniently.

the deal date was set on tuesday 17th

if u're not interested... i can smell it lah,

i rather cancel the deal straight.

why would i give u benefit of the doubt and let u aeroplane me again,

i need to make plans to come and meet somebody,

u think i have nothing better to do with my time and energy?

i know smses cost next to nothing for some mobile plans but

.... then disrespect breeds disrespect.

why should i fear u badrep me in retaliation?

somemore its just a newbie with 'zero' +ve rep. around here,

who might just abandon this account

and then come back with a new clone around here.

he describes me as a "phantom buyer: Avoid this feller. Non positive attitude as if others own him a life! Must abide by hid unreasinable requests... try him if u dare. "

via Singapore Classified

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